Sunday, October 31, 2010

The Mystery of Evolution Unveiled

                  For the longest time now there has been a great divide between religion and science. There remains bitter debating and slandering on both sides of the spectrum over an abundance of issues; primarily the theory of evolution, which was originated by Charles Darwin. Science gave us the theory of evolution, which states that humans evolved from primeval apes.  Here, God is not really a factor; science is all there is. On the other side you have religion; and from this viewpoint the notion that human beings evolved from apes is quite unacceptable; and even insulting. Here, God is the creator and central point of everything. So who is right, and who is wrong? Could it be that they may both be right, or that they may both be wrong? What side are you on? Have you ever considered investigating this matter for yourself? I mean seriously investigating it, not just believing what others tell you or what you read. Well, whatever the case may be you will be quite shock to see that this issue is not nearly as complicated as people have made it, but it goes much deeper than what you have heard. The so called mysteries of our existence only remain mysteries because of our distorted education and therefore distorted way of thinking. It is also because of our crippling spiritual laziness that we have not been able to decipher this and many so-called mysteries of Creation. We ask a million questions but we are never willing to do what it truly takes to find answers. We want someone else to do it for us; as with so many things. Those of you who are enlightenment seekers, who are not so satisfied with the mundane and superficial, come so we can finally crack this mystery of evolution and therewith give you a stepping stone in your search for higher spiritual consciousness.  
            Science! Religion does not give science enough credit, but the scientist gives it too much credit. He tries to attribute everything to science as if science itself is God. Science is simply our endeavor to explain and make sense of ourselves and our world. Science itself is not at all a bad thing and it is very necessary for the earthly and spiritual development of human beings, because essentially, science is just investigation; and it is the obligation of all human beings to investigate their existence in order to find the way back to their origin as fully conscious human spirits, living and working in harmony with the laws of God. This is why at a certain time in life every person begins to ask such questions as, “what is the meaning of life?”, “why am I here?”, “who or what is God?”, “is there even a God?”, etc. It is not without reason that these questions naturally arise within us. The purpose of these questions is to exhort the human being to investigate his/her existence, and therewith gradually attain the knowledge of Creation and Its Creator.  Even this great field of discipline, science, started out simply by people asking questions and endeavoring to find the answers. The thing that repels so many people from science is not only their own ignorance, but also the disciples of science; many of whom have taken science in the wrong direction. They have turned it into something like an esoteric society by unnecessarily complicating everything! By now science should have uncovered much more than what it has so far; but it is greatly hindered not only by distorted human thinking, but also by its self-imposed inability to go beyond the material sphere of this great Creation.  
Now let’s move on to the topic at hand, Evolution! So, did humans really evolve from primeval apes? Well, to you scientists, the answer is not as simple as saying “yes”. To you religious adherents, it is not as simple as saying “no”.  Let’s see! Take your time and follow the explanations, do not try to rush through it lest you become lost. Before we go any further, it is imperative that the reader takes a purely objective approach to what I am about to explain. For proper understanding one must not view it through the lenses of the pre-existing religious interpretations and philosophies. In other words, forget what you have been told; just for a minute. I want you to use your own common sense and inner conviction (intuition) based on logicality, nothing else! So in response to this don’t tell me what the Bible or Quran says. I already know what the Bible, Quran, and other holy books say. My question is…..what do YOU say?
            Let us begin by taking a brief and broad survey of Creation; starting from the top and working our way to the bottom. Creation can be broken down in four basic parts. At the peak of Creation lies the Primordial Sphere, followed by the Spiritual Sphere, then the Animistic Sphere, and finally at the very bottom lies the Material Sphere, being the densest and heaviest. This is just a broad outline, for Creation is far comprehensive and cannot be grasped with the earthly conception of time and space. Each of the above mentioned spheres comprises ever more divisions. The higher the sphere the more perfect and closer to God it is; It is also more powerful and of a lighter (less heavy) consistency. From this you should already know that the Primordial Sphere with Its Inhabitants (The Primordial Beings) is more perfect, more powerful, less heavy, and closer to God than all the other spheres in Creation; for It is the highest point in Creation. The Spiritual Sphere, from which we human beings emanated, comes after the Primordial Sphere in respect to the qualities I just mentioned. The Spiritual Sphere is what we refer to as “Heaven”, “Paradise” or “Kingdom of God”. The Animistic Sphere, which lies below the Spiritual Sphere, is where the animal souls and elemental beings emanated from. Just as with the animals, there are innumerable kinds of elemental beings. Some of them have become characters of fantasies and fairy tales. The Material Sphere can be divided into two basic parts; the ethereal part and the gross material part. The ethereal part is of a lighter, less dense consistency; whereas the gross material part is courser and heavier. The earth and the universe are in the gross material part of the Material Sphere. There is no need to discuss the Divine Sphere because It lies above and outside of Creation. The Divine, which also comprises many divisions, is not a part of Creation. I often hear many people use the word “Divine” or speak of The Divine but they have no idea what they are talking about. The Divine is far removed from the human capacity to grasp. A human being can NEVER be Divine, even when it has reached the peak of its perfection. With this explanation you should already know that God does not reside within Creation. He remains above and outside of everything as the highest and purest Divinity. It is only His Power which permeates the entire Creation, not He Himself. Creation is the work of God, hence God is not a part of His Own work, He existed before Creation came into existence.  Now that we have this broad outline of Creation we can move on.  
Let’s go back to prehistoric times, before the arrival of humans on earth. Most of us already know that before the arrival of humans the earth was inhabited by innumerable kinds of animals. This is at least what we have discovered on the surface. If we go beyond the surface, a more complete picture is revealed. Before human beings descended to the earth, the earth was inhabited and dominated by the Animistic; both the animals and elemental beings. After the Material Sphere was formed, the elemental beings lived and worked in it; maintaining and furthering it. This was their field of activity, and still is today. They drive every happening in the Material Sphere. Whenever there are natural disasters or other natural happenings such as plate tectonics, volcanic eruptions, etc, the elemental beings are the ones behind this. With natural happenings such as volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, etc, we only see the last remnants; involving the arrangement and manipulation of atoms, protons, and electrons. We do not see the happenings that preceded these because they start off in the Spiritual or Ethereal Sphere, which we cannot see with our physical eyes. There are elemental beings for every element. There are water beings, fire beings, air beings, forest beings, etc. The elemental beings were the ones who parted the sea at Moses’ command. This was no magic act on the part of Moses.  
The Material Sphere by itself is lifeless and immobile. It was animated and maintained by the Animistic.  By faithfully fulfilling this task they at the same time prepared the earth for the arrival of the human spirits. The time came when the elemental beings developed the Material Sphere as far as they possibly could, according to their ability to do so. They could not take the Material Sphere any further than this point because being from the Animistic Sphere, they lack the spiritual power which is necessary for the further development of the Material Sphere. With this came the danger of stagnation in the Material Sphere. Motion is a key law in Creation. In Creation everything is in constant motion and must remain so. Any creature or any part of Creation which cannot keep up with the movements of Creation will become stagnant, followed by retrogression, death and decay. This has already been seen with so many things; even entire races and nations.
After the elemental beings successfully developed the Material Sphere as far as they possibly could; in order to continue the development, and therewith avoid stagnation, and decay, the work of the elemental beings had to be spiritualized, thus keeping it in motion. This task was entrusted to human beings; for they emanate from the Spiritual Sphere, therefore having the ability to spiritualize the Material Sphere. Now the time had come for human beings to descend into the part of the Material Sphere that was prepared for them by the elementals beings in order for them to carryout their task. This part is the earth. Human beings had to descend to the earth at this definite point and time; not sooner or later, because the earth and also the gross material body which human beings needed to use had to be at a certain level of development before humans could descend into. At any other time this would have been impossible. Now pay close attention! In order to get to earth from the Spiritual Sphere the human being must pass through the other spheres in between. The human being cannot just disappear from the Spiritual Sphere and reappear on the earth. Just as if a person wants to travel from Texas to Louisiana, they must travel the distance between these two locations. They cannot under any circumstance close their eyes, make a wish, click the back of their heels, and suddenly appear in Louisiana. So it is the same for the human being coming from the Spiritual Sphere to the earth. Keep in mind that all these events or happening did not happen overnight. All that I am explaining here is something that happened over the course of millions of years.
Before I go any further we must briefly discuss what a human being really is. Just briefly for now but I will go further into this in another lecture. The actual human being, the core and essence of a human being is spirit. The human being in its purest form is spirit, not soul. I will discuss the difference between spirit and soul at a later date. When in the Spiritual Sphere which is the home of human beings, we are in our actual form, which is spirit. I know this may be hard for some to comprehend because you have never really been given the true conception of spirit and soul. In respect to human beings, do not think of spirit as energy or an energetic person; or as breath, or whatever other ill conception you have of it. We are human spirits, thus human spirit beings.
Now make sure you follow me carefully, this is where we unveiled the mystery. As the human spirit began its journey from the Spiritual Sphere making its way down to the earth; for every sphere that it passed through it was enveloped in a cloak or body of the same substance as the sphere concerned. This happened through a process similar to an earthly birth; and is a necessary process for the development of the human spirit. Finally the human spirit arrived in the Material Sphere; first in the ethereal part, and it was likewise enveloped in a cloak or body of ethereal substance. This ethereal cloak or body is the soul. At this point the spirit enveloped in this ethereal body can rightfully be called the human soul; since the soul is now the outer covering.  So now the human soul stood at the border of the ethereal part and the gross material part in the Material Sphere; ready for its arrival on earth. Before the human soul could enter the earth it needed a cloak or covering that is of the same substance as the earth; in other words, the human soul needed an earthly body. Without an earthly body the human soul cannot work nor have any influence on the earth. In other words, for the human spirit to carry out its task on earth it had to be firmly anchored on this earth in an earthly body. However, this could not be just any body; it had to be a body that had reached a certain level of development. At this time on earth, the most highly developed animal was the primeval ape. Hence the primeval ape provided an adequate body or vessel for the human soul to use. After an act of procreation (sexual intercourse) took place between the male and female ape, this time, instead of an animal soul incarnating into the body inside the expecting mother, a human soul entered this body. So when the ape mother delivered, she gave birth to what on the outside appeared to be an ape creature; but dwelling inside of this ape body was an actual human soul. This is why the first human beings looked more like apes than the humans of today.  
Now, let’s make sure we get something very clear! Human beings did not evolve from apes. The ape only provided a body for the human spirit to use on earth. It is quite accurate to say that the human body evolved from apes. You can also accurately say that the primeval ape is the ancestor of the human body. However, the actual human being, which is spirit, did not evolve from apes; hence the ape is not the ancestor human beings. The ape can only be credited for the human body, not the actual human being. So only where the physical body alone is concerned can you say that humans and other primates share a common ancestry. Human beings however, have their origin in the Spiritual Sphere of Creation. In accordance with God’s Laws the process of the human spirit being incarnated on earth through the ape can only happen one time. Hence the human spirit can no longer be incarnated on earth through apes or any other non-human creature. The human spirit has a dominating effect on the entire Material Sphere; hence they have a strong influence over all creatures in the Material Sphere. As a result of this dominating effect, when the human spirit entered the ape body it gradually lifted the body up and began to walk on two legs instead of walking on all fours. The spirit also has the ability to develop the ape body to a more perfect body, so as time progressed human beings looked less like the ape and more like what you see today.
So here you have it, the unveiled mystery of evolution, given to you in its simplicity. No more need for the bitter arguments and slandering. The question now is, “why have science and religion been unable to give you this explanation of evolution and the origin of humans?” Well, the reality is, there is a serious lack of knowledge on both sides. This and other so-called mysteries of our existence could have been so easily unveiled if humanity had not submerge itself in darkness, and thereby rendered itself incapable of perceiving knowledge from God or the higher realms in Creation. Resultantly, everything that was given to humanity for their upright development has been distorted and misused; thereby bringing forth the most atrocious and ill effects, as can be seen today. Science is not what it should be today because scientists limit their investigations only to the gross material part of Creation, thus they only investigate that which can be perceived with the physical earthly senses. Anything that lies beyond the earthly is also beyond their ability to grasp. Hence, scientists can only give you knowledge concerning things that happens in the gross material (earth, universe). However, many things that have happened on this earth have a starting point beyond this earth. For example, what science know as “energy” has its starting point in the Primordial Sphere of Creation, but the scientist only knows of energy through the various arrangements and manipulations of atoms, protons, and electrons which takes place in the gross material. Science is something that should lead people towards God because everything that science has discovered, including the laws of physics, atoms, energy, etc is the work of God. Now we see tragic contradictions such as scientists using science to prove that God does not exist. Religion, however, is no better for it contains just as many distortions; perhaps even more.
              The descending of human spirits to the earth was meant to serve a two-fold purpose: to work in harmony with the elemental beings; therewith spiritualizing and furthering the development of the entire Material Sphere. By successfully fulfilling this task the human being simultaneously gains the experiences necessary for the development of the spirit from its unconscious state; thereby becoming conscious by discovering the knowledge of Creation and Its Creator while wandering through the Material Sphere. If you analyze the experiences of your own life, you will see that things always happen which causes you to reflect and ask questions. It is not for nothing that this happens. It is meant to prompt you to seek; for only in seeking can one find. However, as it stands today, humanity, for the greater part still remains unconscious and has not really come to true recognition of its Creator. The majority of us believe in our hearts that God does indeed exist, but none of us have truly learned to recognize Him in His magnitude. Strive with all your heart to acquire the knowledge of this great Creation; for you will be held accountable, and ignorance is no excuse!    

* With all my writings I only offer you small parts of the knowledge of Creation. This will only strike those who still have an earnest longing for Truth; whose mind is not imprisoned by erroneous religious teachings and distorted human education. Though one may gain much clarity from my writings, it will also awaken many questions within; this is because I'm only giving parts of the whole. If you wish to acquire the entire knowledge of Creation, then you must read Abd-Ru-Shin's Grail Message. If you read Abd-Ru-Shin's Grail Message and discover His true identity, this will be the end of all confusion and distortion for you; and the beginning of spiritual ascent and real life, provided that you live according to the knowledge. Therefore, seek with all your heart, in all honesty and humility and help shall come to you. And the void within you shall gradually be filled. This is a matter of your entire existence!!!     

C-Born Nacirfa
Inspired by ABD-RU-SHIN

Artist: K-Rino
Album: The Blood Doctrine (2008)

Monday, October 4, 2010

The Destruction of Womanhood



 The destruction of Womanhood! Just the title alone ring bells of severity, and with overwhelming force the reality rests on top of humanity. Submerging it deeper into abysmal darkness and bringing forth the most atrocious manifestations. Now more than ever spiritual consciousness is extremely imperative because with the current state of things, the more time passes the more difficult it becomes to achieve, and at the same time the grip of the symbiotic darkness upon humanity becomes stronger. It’s a sad scene for some have already reached the point of no return as they bathe in vanity and frivolity with blind happiness. You can try to save them but your efforts will bear no fruit.
            Lucifer stands happy and proud with a feeling of triumph, as if a super hero standing on top of a mountain with his face in the sky and his cape blowing in the wind. He celebrates victory or at least what seems to be victory, for he has tricked humanity into worshiping him without them even realizing it.  This is quite evident to those with keen observation. It is true that we speak highly of our Creator and claim to be lovers and servants of His. But the reality is we only worship the Beloved Creator with our words, empty words to be exact. The truth is we worship Lucifer through our actions, for it is through our deeds that we adhere to his principles. Of course the popular saying is that action speaks louder then words, therefore the deeds always outweigh the words. Some, after having read this will hold their head high with pride, with the false conviction that this does not apply to them. But they are just as guilty if not more. Before I go any further, if the reader wish to get anything out of this lecture, then he/she must be patient when reading. If you try to rush through this you will not understand it. This message will only strike those who truly have a longing for higher recognition!
            The Destruction of Womanhood? What does this mean? Well the answer lies all around you. Just take some time to quietly observe the woman of this modern day. But for a greater understanding we must also know the rightful position and the task of woman in this Creation. By this I do not mean being a mother or a housewife. Woman’s rightful position is much higher. Think about the differences between man and woman. Not just physically but mentally and spiritually as well. Woman is more delicate, sensitive and soft. Naturally her thinking and actions corresponds with these qualities, whereas man is opposite. When confronted with these facts we don’t even give it a second thought, we quickly dismiss it under the notion that it is just the way things are. But why? Why is she more delicate, sensitive and soft? The answer to this reveals a great deal. The woman herself may be quite unaware of it. The reason is because woman’s highest task is that she is the mediator between God and humanity. In other words, she is the connecting link between God and humanity. Everything we receive from Him must come to us through her because she is the only one endowed with the ability to receive it. This is the reason for the woman’s almost supernatural intuition and ability of discernment. It is the power that lies within her and it will guide her and humanity provided that she maintains her womanhood in its true essence and naturalness. In other words, in God’s Will!
Now some may have the urge to ask, “why?” or “how is it that she is the mediator?” Well keep in mind woman is more delicate, sensitive and soft, and as a result she is more spiritually inclined than man because these qualities correspond with that of the spiritual. Spiritual substance is more delicate, sensitive and soft, and of a lighter (less dense) consistency. Therefore the woman stands closer to the spiritual due to her natural inherent qualities. In the case of receiving something from God or from the higher realms in Creation, it is always a spiritual happening and then later manifests in the material world (earth). So due to the natural law of attraction of homogeneous kind or energy, the woman, because of her nature is far better equipped to receive these spiritual radiations or energy. You can also say she is more influenced by the spiritual, or she stands closer to the spiritual world. It’s all the same. I hope I have not lost you.
Due to this simple fact the woman is endowed with more power than the man or you can say, in Creation she stands higher than the man, or she is more spiritually inclined than the man. For in the spiritual is where true power lies. In normal circumstances if you take a boy and a girl and track their development from childhood you will see that the girl develops and picks up on things much faster than the boy. We are all subject to the simple and natural laws of God. We not only live in it but we also use it daily and still have not come to recognition of its magnitude. It is so simple and natural that we quickly dismiss it without a second thought. But you see, true greatness lies only in simplicity. Take for example the creations of man, especially in machinery. The most powerful or essential part is always the most delicate and sensitive and easy to break.  
This special ability that lies within the woman also works both ways. In other words the woman, due to her very nature is more susceptible to spiritual energy, be it good or evil. That is why it is said that when a woman is evil she is worse than a man and when she is good she is better then a man. So if a woman chooses to be good and makes all effort to build up and strengthen herself in the light of righteousness, as is willed by her Creator, then she becomes a blessing to humanity, a gift! However if she chooses the contrary route, she can very well lead humanity to its destruction! This is all due to her nature and the qualities she possess. Her qualities correspond with that of the spiritual, and enables her to absorb spiritual energy like a sponge and dispense it all throughout her surroundings. From there it will reach even greater distances. This is quite an immense power that lies within the woman and with that there naturally is an immense responsibility! For this reason the woman has been admonished time after time to carry herself in the true essence and grace of womanhood. She has been admonished to cover herself and not use her body as an instrument of enticement. The man has also been warned to love, respect and honor women, and with him also lies great responsibility!
The destruction of womanhood! What exactly is meant by this? Now that we have an understanding (at least to some degree) of the woman’s nature, the qualities she possess, her position and task in Creation, we can go further into this matter for an even greater understanding. Analyzing this modern day it is not hard to recognize the fall of humanity but more severely, the fall of woman! Looking back at human history, our traditions and customs have not always treated women fairly nor have we given them the respect and honor that they deserve. The woman has always been disparaged and erroneously looked upon as the weaker sex. As a result women have been oppressed, and the saga continues still to this day. The human spirit by its nature is free. This freedom is so deeply rooted that it cannot be separated from the human spirit. Whenever faced with oppression we will naturally rebel and if necessary even risk our own lives. And so women rebelled against this oppression with which they have been plagued for centuries.
Sometime during her struggle to gain equality she took the wrong route. To prove that she was just as capable as man she began to imitate him, thinking and acting as he does. As time progressed this became more acceptable and prevalent. This was a great act of self deception on the part of the woman. By becoming more like the man in her thoughts and actions she began to gradually obtain the rights and equality for which she fought for so long. From an earthly viewpoint it appears progressive. But looking at it in the spiritual sense and according to the natural laws it is a dangerous retrogression that brought many evils in its train.
Man and woman are two distinct creatures with distinct but equally important roles that they must uphold in Creation. A man must be a man; he must not incline to womanly characteristics as a woman must be a woman and must not incline to manly characteristics.  This is a natural law put in place by The Creator and any breaching will result in dire consequences. If you analyze this modern society you will see that more and more women, in their thoughts and actions, are becoming like men. This is unsafe because by her doing so, she naturally cannot help but neglect her womanly qualities, since those qualities are opposite to the qualities of men. So by imitating man she lays aside her delicate, sensitive and soft qualities. And if she goes this route long enough she will loose these qualities altogether, because of another natural law that lies in Creation, which is the law of continuous motion. Those of you who are scientifically inclined should already know that everything in Creation is in constant motion and must remain in constant motion because where idleness sets in, death follows. If you don’t use the gifts and powers given to you, you will loose them. However if you use them the wrong way or for the wrong purpose they will bring you harm.  
Due to the fact that she is delicate, sensitive and soft, the woman has been made to believe that these qualities render her the weaker and inferior of the two sexes. That is not true! It is within these very qualities that her greatest strength rests. Such qualities are also an essential part of her womanhood. By her inclining towards manly characteristics she slowly rids herself of her womanly qualities, which is a severe hindrance to her natural spiritual abilities. Now her intuition and ability of discernment becomes dull. Many things that should be so simple and natural to her now become a complex obstacle. With this she also forms the soil for unethical and immoral activities, which according to the law of attraction of homogeneous kind or energy, compels her to absorb spiritual energy of the same kind. This spiritual energy will then flow from her to her environment, having an impact or influence on anyone who is in direct or indirect contact. The process is the same whether she absorbs and reciprocates good or evil spiritual energy. Only the results are different. Due to the fact that she inclines to manly characteristics, this brings evil in its train because it is a deviation from Divine Will, which according to the natural law compels her to absorb spiritual energy of the same kind, which in this case is evil spiritual energy. And by absorbing such energy she opens herself to the darkness! By opening herself to the darkness she naturally shuts herself off to the Light, since these forces are opposite. By this she falls short of her true task because she cannot receive spiritual energy from the Light or from the higher realms in Creation. If she is not completely shut off to the Light (which is the case with many today) she will faintly receive spiritual energy from the Light but it will become distorted in some fashion. Because with the current state of things, her spiritual perception is extremely dull, which will lead to many distortions in its earthly interpretations and manifestations. Such distortions can also lead to evil. I hope you are still with me!
If the woman strives towards the Light in honest effort she will receive spiritual energy from the Light which will strengthen her and bring many blessings to her and her surroundings. By this she will naturally shut herself off from receiving spiritual energy from the darkness. However, judging by the current state of things it is easy to see from which side she absorbs spiritual energy from mostly. We have reduced ourselves to a self-destructive breed and now live in a world that suffers from the destruction of womanhood. The woman is degraded in every way you can think of, not only by men but also by herself. Her vision is clouded with a false idea of beauty so she puts herself through all kinds of strains and hardships and wears provocative attire for the sake of appearing “beautiful”. I’ve heard many say that beauty is painful. But ask yourself, what kind of beauty requires such pain? The pain is an indication that something is wrong because what is truly beautiful will never be painful! It is truly disturbing to see how children follow in this trend. Teenage girls are in a rush to become grown but they have no idea what it means to be a woman. They imagine that having a grownup body, dressing provocative and involvement in sexual activity is what it means to be a woman, or as they put it these days, “diva”. I dread to think of the future. But we cannot blame our children because this is what society gives them. Our children have been robbed of the precious God-given childhood from which many of us can recollect the most joyous and freest moments of our lives. Now they are having sex and becoming mothers at the age of 12 and 13. Bearing children before they become woman. A sad shame!
It is imperative that the woman knows not only her task and position in Creation but also herself! Regardless of what we have been taught by human history and customs, the woman is the leading and deciding force of humanity, (this is why the serpent approached Eve and not Adam). The man is the maintaining and executing force of humanity. Two distinct but equally important roles as willed by God! She must be careful not to incline towards manly characteristics for her greatest strengths lie only in her womanhood. She must understand the great responsibility of her position as a woman. The woman of today has become especially hardened, which is detrimental to her spiritual development. There are many obstacles but the only real obstacle is self. There is nothing that cannot be conquered once you conquer self. The woman must become soft again. The man must truly know what treasures he has in a woman, for great responsibility lies with him as well. His duty is to maintain her, which if properly done, she will become a well of wealth from which he can endlessly draw all that he needs. He must be cognizant of the powers that lie within her, because within a woman lies heaven or hell. So you men, bring out the heaven in women and not the hell, and you women do the same because the destruction of womanhood means the destruction of humanity! As I stated earlier, anything coming from God to humanity must come through the woman, as we ourselves did. You cannot expect an evil or polluted woman to bear good fruits. We are all only worth as much as our faithfulness to God and that faithfulness must manifest through our thoughts and activities, not just words. God bless the woman!

C-Born Nacirfa. 
Inspired by ABD-RU-SHIN

Artist: K-Rino 
Album: The Blood Doctrine (2008)